Please be invited to
Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project
at Hong Kong Science Museum
27th Nov.2015 to 17th Feb.2016
I'm honoured to contribute a Trash-Land-Art installation to the exhibition Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project at the Hong Kong Science Museum. The installation is supported by the ever inspiring HK Youth Arts Foundation and will be displayed from 27.Nov.2015 to 17.Feb.2016. Our installation is called Stains / 污點 and consists of 17 circles of marine litter, each in a different colour.
The concept for Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project brings together science and art and originates from the Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich. Their exhibition gathers complex facts of plastics and its environmental consequences in an easily understandable way. Art as an intermediator to make scientific facts more juicy and interesting - what an inpiring way to learn! So lots of great reasons for you to visit the HK Science Museum again.
Hope to see you there!
眼前所見的作品是利用南大嶼山籮箕灣海灘上的廢棄物製作而成。40名來自香港航海學校及圓玄學院妙法寺內明陳呂重德紀念中學的學生在一個白天的時間,已經收集了共28袋的80公升海灘廢棄物,而它們主要來自中國內地及香港本地。環保藝術家liina klauss自2011年開始創作「垃圾山水」系列作品,所有作品只會按照廢棄物的原有顏色、形狀及大小分類,而「污點」是其中一組作品。藝術家希望藉着環境藝術裝置,讓大眾提升減廢的意識。這系列作品不但改變人們對藝術的印象,亦讓人反思人類的消費模式,從而傳達環境保護的信息,並實踐liina所想:「是廢亦是寶,你的看法可改變一切」。
more info on HK Science Musuem here
more info on Plastic Garbage Project here
more pictures of 污點 / Stains here
* on the above photos you see art-awareness-activists from Hong Kong Sea School and The Yuen Yuen Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College helping to create 'Stains'. I would like to thank them for their hard work and passion to change the world with their own two hands!